145 Dentist Pick Up Lines

Dentist Pick Up Lines

Dentistry may not be the most romantic profession, but that doesn’t mean that dentists can’t have a little fun in the dating world. Enter, the dentist pick-up line – a clever, punny or cheesy one-liner that references teeth, braces, or cavities.

While some may cringe at the thought of using a dentist pick-up line, others swear by their effectiveness in breaking the ice and sparking a conversation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of dentist pick up lines – from the best and worst to how to use them to your advantage.

So put on your lab coat and grab your mirror, it’s time to get a little cheesy with some dental-themed flirting!

Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you a dentist? Because I want to take you out for a filling dinner.”
  • “Are you a dental curing light? Because you’re curing my broken heart.”
  • I think I need a root canal, can I come see you in your office?
  • You have a smile that’s worth a million bucks.
  • “You must be a dental X-ray, because you’re seeing right through me.”
  • You’re like a dental crown, fit for a queen.
  • Are you a dentist? Because you just put a cavity in my heart.
  • “You must be a dental drill, because you’re making my heart race.”
  • You’re like a toothpaste, I can’t get enough of you.
  • You must be a dental hygienist because I can’t help but smile when I’m around you.
  • Are you a cavity? Because I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • Can I check your bite? It looks like it needs adjusting.
  • Do you have a sweet tooth? Because I’d love to satisfy it.
  • “Are you a retainer? Because I can’t stop thinking about holding you.”
  • You’re the only thing missing from my dental hygiene routine.
  • Are you a dental hygienist? Because you just cleaned my clock.

Funny Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you a dental filling? Because I want to fill you up with love.”
  • Are you a dentist? Because I think you just made my heart skip a beat.
  • Can I be your floss? I’d like to get between your teeth every night.
  • Is your mouth tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
  • You must be a dentist because you just filled my cavity.
  • I must be a dentist because I’m checking you out.
  • Are you a tooth? Because you’re the only one I’m missing.
  • If I were a dentist, I’d give you a filling that you’ll never forget.
  • I think I need a filling, can I come see you in your office?
  • Can I fill your cavity?
  • You must be a dentist, because I can’t resist your fillings.
  • “You must be a dental suction tube, because you’re sucking me in.”
  • Are you a dental technician? Because you just made my heart race.
  • You must be a dentist because I can’t stop staring at your teeth.
  • You have a smile that could melt my heart.
  • Is your last name braces? Because I’d love to get a little closer to you.
  • “Are you a dental spit cup? Because I want to be the one you spit in.”
  • “Are you a dental implant? Because I want to make you a permanent part of my life.”
  • Are you a wisdom tooth? Because you make my heart ache.
  • I’m a dentist and I’m here to give you a full examination.
  • I must be a dental crown, because I’m here to make you feel like a queen.
  • I’m a dentist, want to come back to my office for some oral examination?
  • “I must be a dentist, because I can’t stop staring at your smile.”
  • You must be a dentist because you make my heart race like nitrous oxide.
  • Can I be your dentist? Because I want to fill all your cavities.
  • Are you a dentist? Because you just gave me a reason to smile.

Cheesy Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • Are you a toothbrush? Because I could use a little brush up on my kissing skills.
  • I must be a dentist because I can’t get you out of my head.
  • If I were a dentist, I’d give you a good filling.
  • Do you have a retainer? Because I think you’re going to need one after tonight.
  • “Are you a dental hygienist? Because you just cleaned up my heart.”
  • Are you a toothpick? Because I just can’t get you out of my head.
  • You must be a dentist because you just filled the hole in my heart.
  • You must be a dentist because I want to fill you up.
  • I’m like a cavity, I’ll only get worse if you ignore me.
  • Do you have a retainer? Because you just took my breath away.
  • Are you a dental hygienist? Because I can feel the connection between us.
  • “Are you a dental adhesive? Because you’re sticking to my heart.”
  • I must be a dentist because I can’t stop looking at your teeth.
  • “Are you a dentist’s chair? Because I want to spend hours in your embrace.”
  • Can I give you a filling? Because I want to make sure you’re satisfied.
  • Is your name plaque? Because I can’t get you out of my mind.
  • You have a smile that’s worth a million dollars.
  • You must be a dentist because you just put a smile on my face.
  • “Are you a dental laboratory? Because I want to experiment with you.”
  • I must be a dentist because I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • You must be a dental assistant because you’re making my heart race.
  • Do you believe in love at first bite?

Dirty Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • “Are you a dental emergency? Because I need you right now.”
  • Is your mouth always this beautiful, or did you have to go to the dentist for that?
  • Excuse me, do you floss? Because I’d like to get between your teeth.
  • You’re like a root canal, painful but necessary.
  • “Are you a mouthguard? Because I want to protect you from harm.”
  • “You must be a dental dam, because you’re protecting my heart.”
  • Do you want to go out sometime? I promise not to talk about dental hygiene the entire time.
  • You must be a dental assistant because you just cleaned me up.
  • You must have a sweet tooth because you’re giving me a cavity.
  • Are you a toothbrush? Because I want to use you every morning and night.
  • Are you a dental assistant? Because I need someone to assist me in falling in love with you.
  • “I’m no dentist, but I can definitely fill your cavities.”
  • You’re like a toothbrush, I can’t live without you.
  • I’m no dentist, but I think we have a filling between us.
  • You have a smile that could cure my gingivitis.
  • You must be a dentist because you just took my breath away.
  • “You must be a dental impression tray, because you’re molding my heart.”
  • “I must be a toothbrush, because I want to be in your mouth every day.”
  • “You must be a dental explorer, because you’re exploring the depths of my heart.”
  • I must be a dentist because I can’t resist your pearly whites.
  • If you were a toothbrush, I’d brush you all night long.
  • I must be a dental floss, because I’m always getting tangled up in your smile.
  • You must be a dentist because I’m feeling a little toothsome.

Flirty Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • I hope you’re not afraid of needles because I have a shot of love with your name on it.
  • “Are you a dental appliance? Because I want to put you in my mouth.”
  • You must be a dental technician because you’ve got the tools to fix my broken heart.
  • “Are you a dental crown? Because you’re the queen of my heart.”
  • I must be a toothbrush because I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • Can I be your toothbrush? Because I want to make sure you’re always clean.
  • “You must be a cavity, because I can’t stop thinking about you.”
  • Can I check your dental records? Because I need to know if you’re too good to be true.
  • “You must be a dental scaler, because you’re scraping away the plaque in my heart.”
  • Are you a dental assistant? Because you’re always there to assist me.
  • Are you a dental hygienist? Because you just made my heart skip a beat.
  • Can I be your dental assistant? Because I’d love to be close to you all day.
  • “Are you a fluoride treatment? Because you’re making my heart stronger.”
  • Are you a dental hygienist? Because you just flossed your way into my heart.
  • Are you a dentist? Because you just put the sparkle in my eye.
  • I’ll be your dentist if you’ll be my patient.
  • Can I brush your teeth for you? It’s the least I can do for the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.
  • Can I be your patient? Because I need a check-up from you.
  • You must be a dentist because you just filled my heart with love.
  • “Are you a root canal? Because I want to get to the root of your heart.”
  • “Do you want to know why they call me the floss boss?”
  • Is it hot in here or is it just my fillings?

Cool Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • I must be a tooth fairy because you make my dreams come true.
  • Can I take you out for a root canal?
  • “You must be a dental lab technician, because you’re creating a masterpiece in my heart.”
  • Can I floss with you tonight?
  • “You must be a tooth extraction, because you’re leaving a space in my heart.”
  • Are you a tooth fairy? Because you’re giving me a toothache.
  • Are you a toothbrush? Because I want to use you twice a day.
  • “You must be a mouth rinse, because you’re leaving my heart feeling fresh.”
  • Is your dad a dentist? Because you have a perfect set of teeth.
  • “You must be a teeth whitening treatment, because you’re making my heart shine.”
  • “You must be a dental assistant, because you’re helping me get my heart in order.”
  • You have a smile that’s worth a thousand words.
  • Is your name fluoride? Because you just gave me a healthy dose of love.
  • You must be a dental assistant because you’re giving me a root canal.
  • I’d like to take you out for dinner, but we’d have to use plastic utensils because I don’t want you to chip a tooth.
  • You have a smile that could light up a room.
  • You have a smile that’s brighter than my future.
  • “Are you a dental bridge? Because you’re connecting my heart to yours.”
  • Can I be your dental floss? Because I want to get between your teeth.
  • I must be a dental assistant because I’m always here to support you.
  • “Is your name plaque? Because I can’t stop thinking about you.”
  • Do you want to go out sometime? I promise not to make any bad dental jokes.
  • “Are you a dental flosser? Because you’re getting in between my heartstrings.”
  • If you were a tooth, I’d never let you go.

Clever Dentist Pick Up Lines

  • You must be a dental implant because you just took my breath away.
  • You must be a dentist because you have a great set of tools.
  • Are you a molar? Because I want to grind on you all night.
  • You must be a dental x-ray because you just gave me a clear view of my future with you.
  • “Are you a dentist? Because you just took my breath away.”
  • I’d love to see you in braces.
  • You have a smile that’s brighter than the sun.
  • “You must be a dental mirror, because you’re reflecting the beauty of my heart.”
  • Can I check your teeth for cavities? Because I’m pretty sure you just stole my heart.
  • Is your name Gingivitis? Because I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • “You must be a tooth fairy, because you’ve got me under your spell.”
  • You have a beautiful smile. Can I give you a checkup?

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