110+ Biology Pick Up Lines (Funny, Cheesy, Cool)

Biology Pick Up Lines

Biology is the study of life, and it’s no secret that life can be complicated, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Whether you’re a biologist or just someone who’s interested in the wonders of the natural world, you’ve probably heard a few biology pick-up lines in your day.

These clever quips use scientific concepts to make a flirtatious statement or to break the ice in a romantic encounter. Some may be cheesy, others may be cringe-worthy, but there’s no denying that they can be a fun way to get someone’s attention.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of biology pick-up lines, from the classic to the cutting-edge, and examine why they continue to be a popular way to break the ice in the dating world.

Best Biology Pick Up Lines

  • Are you a mitochondrion? Because you’re the powerhouse of my heart.
  • Are you made of carbon? Because you are the basis of all life.
  • Are you DNA helicase? Because you are unzipping my genes.
  • Are you a neuron? Because you’re making my heart race.
  • You must be a photosystem, because you just made my day.
  • You must be an enzyme, because you’re making my heart race.
  • Are you a virus? Because you just infected me with love.
  • Are you a pheromone? Because you are making my heart race.
  • Are you a nucleophile? Because you’re attacking my heart.
  • You must be a neurotransmitter, because I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • Are you a protein? Because I want to fold you up in my arms.
  • You must be a stem cell, because I want to see you develop into something special.
  • Are you a ribosome? Because you’re making my heart synthesize.
  • Are you a gene? Because I want to express my love for you.
  • Are you an organelle? Because I can’t function without you.
  • Are you a chromosome? Because I want to make beautiful DNA with you.
  • You must be a nucleus, because you hold the key to my heart.
  • Are you a cell membrane? Because I want to be a part of your inner and outer life.
  • Are you a transcription factor? Because you’re turning me on.
  • Are you a histone? Because you’re wrapping me up in love.
  • Are you an antibody? Because you’re immune to my charms.
  • Are you a neurotransmitter? Because I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • Are you a hormone? Because you’re affecting my behavior.

Funny Biology Pick Up Lines

  • Are you a glucose molecule? Because you’re sweetening my life.
  • Are you an ion? Because you’re positively charged.
  • Are you a vaccine? Because you just boosted my immunity to your charm.
  • You must be a smooth muscle cell, because you’re making my heart contract.
  • Are you a red blood cell? Because you’re the oxygen my heart needs.
  • Are you a white blood cell? Because you’re fighting off all the negativity in my life.
  • You must be a neurotransmitter, because I’m addicted to you.
  • Are you a flagellum? Because you’re making my heart swim.
  • Are you a zygote? Because I want to combine my genetic material with yours.
  • You must be a receptor, because you’re picking up on my vibes.
  • Are you an ion channel? Because you’re letting all the right signals through.
  • Are you a peptide hormone? Because you’re triggering a response in my heart.
  • Are you a synaptic vesicle? Because you’re storing up all my love for you.
  • Are you an ATP molecule? Because you’re energizing my heart.
  • Are you a blastocyst? Because I want to implant my love into you.
  • Are you a lymphocyte? Because you’re defending my heart against all the negativity.
  • Are you a transcription factor? Because you’re turning my heart on.
  • Are you a ribonucleoprotein? Because you’re binding my heart to yours.
  • Are you a viral vector? Because you’re infecting me with your love.
  • Are you a plasmid? Because you’re carrying all my love genes.
  • Are you a mitochondrion? Because you are the powerhouse of my heart.
  • Are you a cell? Because I can’t live without you.
  • You must be a cell membrane because you’re protecting my heart.

Short Biology Pick Up Lines

  • If you were a nucleotide, you’d be adenine because you have my heart.
  • Are you made of carbon? Because I want to date you.
  • I want to be your ATP so I can power your heart.
  • Are you a chloroplast? Because you’re the reason the world is beautiful.
  • You’re like the Golgi apparatus, you package my heart with love.
  • You must be a stem cell because you’re giving me hope for the future.
  • I’m like a virus, I can’t stop replicating your beauty in my mind.
  • Are you an enzyme? Because you make my heart race.
  • Do you have a biology textbook? Because you just gave me butterflies in my stomach.
  • I wish I was your DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
  • You’re so beautiful, you must have evolved from a rose.
  • Are you an amoeba? Because you’re taking over my heart.
  • Are you a neuron? Because you’re transmitting all the right signals to my brain.
  • I want to be your cytoplasm, so I can hold all of your beauty.
  • You must be a vaccine because you’re making my heart immune to loneliness.
  • I’m like a ribosome, I can’t function without you.
  • You’re like a rare species, I want to protect and cherish you.
  • Are you a cell wall? Because you’re the foundation of my heart.
  • Do you have a gene for perfection? Because you have all the traits I’m looking for.
  • I want to be your mitochondrion so I can power your heart forever.

Cheesy Biology Pick Up Lines

  • Are you a polymerase? Because you’re creating a perfect match.
  • You’re like a myosin molecule, you keep my heart beating.
  • I want to be your telomere, so I can keep extending our love.
  • Are you a lab coat? Because you’re making me feel like a scientist in love.
  • You’re like an antibody, you’re fighting off all the bad things in my life.
  • I want to be your cytoskeleton, so I can support you in every way.
  • Are you a nucleus? Because you hold the key to my heart.
  • You must be a symbiotic relationship because we belong together.
  • Are you a ribonucleotide? Because I need you to make my heart RNA.
  • I want to be your hydrophobic tail, so I can always be close to you.
  • Are you a bacteriophage? Because you’re infecting my heart with love.
  • You’re like a microtubule, you’re guiding me towards you.
  • I want to be your gene regulator, so I can control all your love.
  • Are you an organelle? Because you’re the best part of my cell.
  • I wish I was your DNA polymerase, so I could replicate our love forever.
  • Are you a molecular biologist? Because you just made my heart race.
  • You’re like a ribosomal subunit, you complete me.
  • I want to be your proton pump, so I can generate all your love energy.
  • Are you a riboswitch? Because you’re controlling my heart.
  • You must be a peptide bond, because you’re holding us together.

Dirty Biology Pick Up Lines

  • Are you a cell? Because you’re the basic unit of my life.
  • You must be the sun, because you’re the center of my universe.
  • Is your name ATP? Because you’re giving me energy.
  • You’re so beautiful, you could make a ribosome blush.
  • If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
  • Can I borrow a molecule of your DNA? I want to be like you.
  • Do you have 11 protons? Because you’re sodium fine.
  • I’m not an astronomer, but I think there’s chemistry between us.
  • You must be a polar bear, because you’ve got me feeling a little bipolar.
  • I’m no mathematician, but I think we’re a perfect match.
  • You must be a neutron, because you’re attracting me.
  • Are you a virus? Because you’re infectious.
  • You’re hotter than a Bunsen burner.
  • Are you a fossil? Because I want to date you.
  • You’re so beautiful, you could be a work of art in the natural history museum.
  • You’re more refreshing than a cool glass of water on a hot day.
  • I’m a biology teacher, but you’re teaching me something new about the birds and the bees.
  • I’m not a botanist, but I think we could have a budding relationship.
  • Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.
  • Are you a mitochondria? Because you’re the powerhouse of my heart.
  • I want to be the nucleus of your life.
  • You must be a diatomic molecule, because you’re stable and beautiful.

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