105+ Germany Pick Up Lines (Funny, Cheesy, Cool)

Germany Pick Up Lines

Germany Pick Up Lines: Germany is a country known for its rich culture, history, and traditions. From Oktoberfest to the Brandenburg Gate, there is no shortage of things to see and experience in this European nation. But what about its romantic side?

If you’re looking to sweep a German off their feet, you might want to brush up on your pick-up lines. Whether you’re hoping to impress someone in a bar or strike up a conversation on a dating app, a clever pick-up line can be the perfect icebreaker.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best pick-up lines to use in Germany, from classic compliments to cheesy one-liners.

So, grab a pen and paper and get ready to take some notes these pick-up lines might just help you find your next German love interest!


Top 10 Germany Pick Up Lines

1. “Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.”

2. Are you German? Because you’re the wurst.

3. Gibt es in deinem Herzen Platz für mich? (Is there room for me in your heart?)

4. Is your name Heidi? Because you have me feeling like I’m in the Swiss Alps.

5. Is your name Hans? Because you have me feeling like I’m in a fairy tale.

Top 10 Germany Pick Up Lines

6. Are you from Frankfurt? Because you just took my breath away.

7. Hey, are you a German cuckoo clock? Because you’re making my heart go tick-tock.

8. “Do you have a map? Because I’m lost in your eyes.”

9. Are you a Mercedes-Benz? Because you’re sophisticated, elegant, and I want to take you out on the town.

10. Hey, are you a German shepherd? Because you’re fiercely loyal and I want you by my side.

Funny Germany Pick Up Lines

11. “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cutecumber.”

12. Ich bin wie ein Puzzlestück, das zu dir passt. (I’m like a puzzle piece that fits with you.)

13. “Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just fell for you.”

14. Are you a German pretzel? Because you’re making my mouth water.

15. Excuse me, do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.

16. Wenn ich bei dir bin, fühle ich mich wie zu Hause. (When I’m with you, I feel like I’m at home.)

17. “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 I see.”

18. Ich bin kein Mathematiker, aber ich denke, wir könnten uns perfekt ergänzen. (I’m not a mathematician, but I think we could complement each other perfectly.)

19. “Ist es heiß hier oder bist du es, die mich zum Schwitzen bringt?” (Translation: “Is it hot in here, or is it you that’s making me sweat?”)

20. Ich bin verloren gegangen. Kannst du mir den Weg zu deinem Herzen zeigen? (I’m lost. Can you show me the way to your heart?)

21. “Excuse me, do you have the time? I need to remember the exact moment I met the love of my life.”

Funny Germany Pick Up Lines

22. Is your name Klaus? Because you have me saying “ja” to everything.

23. “Ich bin so froh, dass ich heute Abend hier bin, denn ich habe dich getroffen.” (Translation: “I’m so glad that I’m here tonight, because I’ve met you.”)

24. “Excuse me, but I think you dropped something – my jaw.”

25. “Is there a rainbow today? I just found the treasure I’ve been searching for.”

26. Hey, are you a dirndl? Because you’re making me feel like I’m at Oktoberfest.

27. Are you a BMW? Because you’re sleek, fast, and I want to take you for a ride.

28. “Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?”

29. “Ich bin eigentlich schüchtern, aber du bringst mich dazu, aus mir herauszukommen.” (Translation: “I’m actually shy, but you make me want to come out of my shell.”)

30. “If you were a transformer, you’d be optimus fine.”

31. “Do you have a compass? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
32. Ich habe eine Landkarte meines Herzens, willst du sie sehen? (I have a map of my heart, would you like to see it?)

33. Kann ich dir ein Geheimnis verraten? Ich denke die ganze Zeit an dich. (Can I tell you a secret? I think about you all the time.)

34. “I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.”

35. “You must be a magician because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.”

Pick Up Lines For Germany Guys

36. Hey, are you a German Christmas market? Because you’re making my heart feel warm and fuzzy.

37. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass ich dich schon mein ganzes Leben lang kenne. (I have the impression that I’ve known you my whole life.)

38. Ich bin schüchtern, aber ich würde gerne dich kennenlernen. (Translation: I’m shy, but I’d like to get to know you.)

39. “Ich habe schon viele schöne Frauen gesehen, aber keine von ihnen hat so strahlende Augen wie du.” (Translation: “I’ve seen many beautiful women, but none of them have eyes that shine as brightly as yours.”)

40. Du bist wie ein Stern, der meine Dunkelheit erhellt. (You’re like a star that brightens my darkness.)

41. Dein Lachen ist wie Musik in meinen Ohren. (Your laughter is like music in my ears.)

42. “Are you a bank loan? Because you’ve got my interest.”

43. “Dein Lächeln ist wie eine Sonnenblume an einem sonnigen Tag.” (Translation: “Your smile is like a sunflower on a sunny day.”)

44. Are you a Porsche? Because you’re sleek, sporty, and I want to take you on a joyride.

45. Are you from Munich? Because you have me feeling like I’m in a beer garden.

Pick Up Lines For Germany Guys

46. “Excuse me, do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you.”

47. Is your name Helga? Because you’re making my heart skip a beat.

48. Are you a schnitzel? Because you’re making my heart beat faster.

49. “Are you a fairy? Because you just granted my wish.”

50. “Excuse me, do you have a name, or can I call you mine?”

51. Ich bin kein Dichter, aber ich könnte dir tausend Gedichte schreiben. (I’m not a poet, but I could write you a thousand poems.)

52. “Du hast so ein wunderschönes Lächeln, dass ich mich frage, warum du es nicht öfter zeigst.” (Translation: “You have such a beautiful smile, I wonder why you don’t show it more often.”)

53. Wenn du ein Engel wärst, würde ich dich auf meinen Schultern tragen. (If you were an angel, I would carry you on my shoulders.)

54. You must be from Bavaria because you have me feeling like I’m in a fairy tale.

55. Is it just me, or do we have some chemistry here?

Cheesy Germany Pick Up Lines

56. Hey, are you an autobahn? Because you’ve got my heart racing.

57. Deine Augen sind so wunderschön, dass sie die Sterne am Himmel verblassen lassen. (Your eyes are so beautiful that they make the stars in the sky fade away.)

58. “Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.”

59. Excuse me, do you have a map? I got lost in your eyes.

60. Hey, are you a Berlin wall? Because I want to tear you down and explore what’s behind it.

61. Hey, are you a German apple strudel? Because you’re making my heart sing.

62. Du bist der Grund, warum ich jeden Morgen aufwache. (You’re the reason why I wake up every morning.)

63. “Excuse me, but can you tell me if it’s hot in here, or is it just you?”

64. “Do you have a name, or can I call you mine?”

65. You must be a German beer because you’ve got me feeling light-headed.

Cheesy Germany Pick Up Lines

66. Ich weiß nicht, was du heute getan hast, aber du siehst umwerfend aus. (I don’t know what you did today, but you look stunning.)

67. “Is it hot in here or is it just you?”

68. “Ich möchte deine Handynummer haben.” (Translation: “I would like to have your phone number.”)

69. “Is there an airport nearby, or is it my heart taking off?”

70. “Are you German? Because you’ve got my heart racing like a Mercedes on the Autobahn.”

71. Du bist wie eine Blume, die in meinem Herzen blüht. (You’re like a flower that blooms in my heart.)

72. Ich bin kein Arzt, aber ich kann deine Liebe heilen. (I’m not a doctor, but I can heal your love.)

73. “Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.”

74. Bist du Google? Denn du hast alles, was ich gesucht habe. (Are you Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.)

75. “Excuse me, do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”

76. “Excuse me, but you’re a work of art.”

77. Kannst du mir dein Lächeln leihen? Ich möchte es der Welt zeigen. (Can you lend me your smile? I want to show it to the world.)

78. Are you from Stuttgart? Because you have me feeling like I’m in a luxury car showroom.

79. Du bist das Salz in meiner Suppe. (You’re the salt in my soup.)

80. If I were a cat, I’d spend all nine lives with you.

81. “Do you have a library card? Because I’m checking you out.”

82. “If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.”

83. “Kannst du mir sagen, wie spät es ist? Ich habe meine Uhr verloren, als ich in deine Augen geschaut habe.” (Translation: “Can you tell me what time it is? I lost my watch when I looked into your eyes.”)

84. “I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you.”

85. “Deine Augen sind wie Sterne in einer klaren Nacht.” (Translation: “Your eyes are like stars on a clear night.”)

Dirty Germany Pick Up Lines

86. “I must be lost because heaven is a long way from here.”

87. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
88. Ich wünschte, ich könnte die Zeit zurückdrehen und dich früher treffen. (I wish I could turn back time and meet you earlier.)

89. “Entschuldigung, aber ich habe meinen Weg in deine Augen verloren.” (Translation: “Excuse me, but I’ve lost my way in your eyes.”)

90. Is your name Ingrid? Because you have me feeling like I’m in a Nordic wonderland.

91. Are you from Hamburg? Because you’re making me feel like I’m sailing on the Elbe.

92. Is it hot in here or is it just you?

93. “Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”

94. Are you a Berliner donut? Because you’re filling up my heart with sweetness.

95. Ich möchte in deinen Augen versinken und mich darin verlieren. (I want to sink into your eyes and get lost in them.)

96. Are you from Dresden? Because you’re making me feel like I’m in a baroque palace.

97. Are you from Cologne? Because you’re making me feel like I’m in a cathedral.

98. “Du siehst aus wie eine Prinzessin. Darf ich dein Prinz sein?” (Translation: “You look like a princess. May I be your prince?”)

99. Are you a Berliner Weisse? Because you’re tart, refreshing, and I want to share you with someone special.

100. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

Dirty Germany Pick Up Lines

101. “If I were a cat I’d spend all 9 lives with you.”

102. “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?”

103. “Do you have a map? I just got lost in your smile.”

104. Is your name Gisela? Because you have me feeling like I’m in a medieval castle.

105. “If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I’d use my last breath to say I love you.”

Also See: 100 Hunting Pick Up Lines

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